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Park Charter Fund (Measure A)

In June 2016, Santa Clara County voters once again expressed their support for the Santa Clara County Parks regional park system by passing Measure A, the renewal of the Park Charter Fund. The measure is not a tax. Instead, it changes the percentage of the county budget that automatically gets allocated for the Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department. Measure A also increased the transfer amount from $0.01425 to $0.015 per $100 assessed value of property, allocates at least 10% of the funds be set aside and used for acquisition and at least 10% used for park development with the remainder used for operations and maintenance of the County's Regional Park System.

Learn more about the Park Charter Fund and its history here.

Parks and Recreation Commission

The Parks and Recreation Commission was established March 14, 1955. The duties of the Commission are to promote, aid and encourage public recreation, including the development of recreation and park facilities and programs. The Commission shall act in an advisory capacity to the Board of Supervisors in the planning, maintenance, development and operation of all recreational areas and facilities owned, controlled or leased by the County. It shall study and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on the acquisition and development of recreation areas and facilities such as playgrounds, parks, beaches, pools, campsites and other recreational facilities. The Commission is composed of seven members, appointed by the Board of Supervisors, with a term of four years.

Please email [email protected] for any questions related to the commission or for review by the commissioners.