Completed plans and projects
The following tabs provide information by park about major planning and development efforts by the County Park Department. Specific planning, development, and environmental review documents can be found under the tabs related to specific parks and system-wide projects.
System-wide planning projects
- Santa Clara County Parks Strategic Plan (2018)
- Parkland Acquisition Plan for the County of Santa Clara (2012)
- Countywide swimming feasibility study (2004)
- Santa Clara County Uniform Interjurisdictional Trail Design, Use, and Management Guidelines (1999)
- Countywide Trails Master Plan (1995)
- Santa Clara County General Plan - Parks and Recreation chapter (1994)
- Santa Clara County Parks and Roads and Airports Departments' Fire Prevention Operational Procedure (2012)
- Stanford trails proposal
Almaden Quicksilver
- Hacienda and Deep Gulch Remediation Project (2010)
- Casa Grande historic structures report - Vol-I
- Casa Grande historic structures report - Vol-II
- Almaden Quicksilver County Park Trails Master Plan (1998)
Alviso Marina
- Calero County Park Trails Master Plan (2013)
- Calero County Park Trails Master Plan negative declaration (2013)
Coyote Creek Parkway
Coyote Lake-Harvey Bear Ranch
- Coyote Canyon Natural Resource Management Plan and Interim Access Plan (2019)
- Coyote Lake – Harvey Bear Ranch County Park Natural Resource Management Plan (2004)
- Coyote Lake - Harvey Bear Ranch County Park Master Plan (2004)
- Coyote Lake - Harvey Bear Ranch County Park Master Plan final environmental impact report (2003)
Ed R. Levin
Joseph D. Grant
- Joseph D. Grant County Park Master Plan amendment (2021)
- Joseph D. Grant and Ed R. Levin County Parks Resource Management Plan (1996)
- Joseph D. Grant Ranch County Park Master Plan (1993)
Los Gatos Creek
Martial Cottle
Mount Madonna
- Mount Madonna County Park Forest Health Plan (2019)
- Mount Madonna County Park Master Plan (2017)
- Mount Madonna County Park Master Plan initial study and mitigated negative declaration (2017)
- Mount Madonna County Park Forest Health Plan initial study and mitigated negative declaration (2019)
Penitencia Creek
Rancho San Antonio
- Rancho San Antonio County Park Master Plan (1992)
- Rancho San Antonio County Park Master Plan initial study (1991)
- Sanborn County Park Master Plan page
- Sanborn County Park Master Plan (2019)
- Sanborn County Park Master Plan initial study and mitigated negative declaration (2019)
- Sanborn County Park Trails Master Plan (2008)
Santa Teresa
- Santa Teresa County Park Historic Area Site Plan (2009)
- Santa Teresa County Park Historic Area Site Plan initial study and mitigated negative declaration (2009)
- Santa Teresa County Park Master Plan (1992)