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Public Meeting:

Metcalf Motorcycle Park is hosting an OHV Grant Informational Meeting on Saturday, February 1st, 2025, at 10:00 am. This meeting is open to the public.


Metcalf Motorcycle County Park

Upcoming events

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View a full list of events at Metcalf

Learn about our park

Metcalf Motorcycle County Park facilities include:

  • Motocross competition track
  • Mini-motocross track (150cc four-stroke or 100cc two-stroke or less)
  • Beginner's oval
  • 12 miles of main trails (beginners/intermediate)
  • 8 miles of single-track enduro (expert) trails
  • Hill climb area
  • 3 Trials obstacle courses 
  • Shaded picnic areas, restrooms, visitor center, food/drink vending machines
  • A 1/20th mile paved oval track operated by the Baylands Quarter Midget Racing Association for quarter midget racing and practice.​

In addition to a restroom building, picnic tables are located at several locations. The office will not loan tools.

Registration for Junior OHV Ranger Program will open in Spring 2025! 

Participants must be ages 9-12 and own a motorcycle. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis, and participants must complete a registration form and liability waiver before participating in the five-session program.

Is your child curious about nature? Do they have a motorcycle and want to learn how to ride safely while keeping our parks healthy? If so, the Junior OHV Ranger program is for them! Our free program at Metcalf Motorcycle Park features certified Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) coaches who will teach basic riding skills, safety equipment usage, rider etiquette, and trail conservation. After completing the five sessions, each Junior OHV Ranger will receive a badge, jersey, and certificate.

Required gear for all sessions (except for the first): 

  • DOT-approved helmet
  • Eye protection
  • Gloves
  • Over-the-ankle boots
  • Long-sleeved shirt and long pants
  • All bikes need to be in working order and have fuel

 Past session details:

  • Session 1: (No motorcycle/gear needed) Hats of a Ranger, Safety Orientation, Wildlife Detectives 
  • Session 2: MSF Certification
  • Session 3: Trail Ride Practicing New Skills, Reinforcing T-Clock, and Stewardship
  • Session 4: Trail Ride Practicing New Skills, Rider Etiquette, Situation Awareness, Practice Safety Scenarios
  • Session 5: Trail Ride Practicing New Skills on Riddle Ride

The Novice Oval will be closed during ATV training. For more information on ATV training, call (800) 887-2887 or visit the ATV safety website. For motorcycle training information, call (887) 288-7093 or visit

As a County Parks requirement, all OHV users must wear a Department of Transportation (DOT) approved helmet at all times while operating the vehicle on the park premises. SCC ORD B14-45.1(b)(2) Motorcycle Park-Helmet Required.

For your safety and the safety of others, Off-Highway Vehicles must never be operated in a manner likely to endanger any person or property.

State and Federal law prohibit operating any vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This applies equally to the operation of Off-Highway Vehicles, including those statutes prohibiting drinking while driving (CVC 23220) and drinking in a motor vehicle (CVC 23221).

Motorcycles and ATVs must meet state sound requirements.

California OHV sound regulations and enforcement are as follows:
If your off-highway vehicle was manufactured on or after January 1, 1986, it shall be limited to not more than 96 dBA, and if manufactured prior to January 1, 1986, to not more than 101 dBA.

If your competition off-highway vehicle was manufactured on or after January 1, 1998, it shall be limited to not more than 96 dBA, and if manufactured prior to January 1, 1998, to not more than 101 dBA. 

See the California Noise Limits Law - AB 2274 web page containing excerpts from AB 2274 relating to OHV noise regulations effective January 1, 2003.

Noise Emission Levels Information

Respect wildlife and our trails

Off-highway vehicles must not be operated in a manner that creates off-trail damage or disturbance to soil, vegetation, or wildlife resources. Excessive OHV-related damage to forest resources could lead to temporary or permanent closures.

California OHV Registration

OHV registration sticker examples

California residents must have a Green Sticker, Red Sticker, or current highway license plate for all motor vehicles operated on public lands. Registration Identification Certificate must be kept with the vehicle along with the Identification, Green, or Red Sticker. CVC 38085 Identification Certificate Kept with Vehicle. See the complete OHV Bulletin by clicking the following link: Red Sticker Riding Season Sunset December 31st, 2024

Applying your registration sticker

Clean the surface thoroughly for better adhesion, and remove any old stickers. Note: once the sticker has been placed, removing the sticker will void the registration sticker and will no longer be valid (see example below). (CVC) 38090 Lost or Mutilated/illegible I.D. Plate.

Old OHV registration sticker

 A Green or Red Sticker can be applied to a fork sleeve and attached to the fork to preserve the sticker from damage. The fork sleeve with sticker MUST BE APPLIED TO FORK WITH A PIPE CLAMP to meet CVC 38170(b) Off-Highway Vehicles; I.D. Plate Display.

Registration sticker placement on dirt bike and/or ATV example

Newly purchased OHVs must have proof of temporary or current registration in the new owner’s name.

Nonresident permits

Non-resident OHV permit example

All vehicles operated off-highway on public lands in California are required to be (1) street-licensed or (2) registered as an off-highway vehicle (OHV). If you are visiting California from another state and your vehicle does not have a current registration from your home state, you must purchase a California Nonresident OHV Use Permit before you recreate on public lands. The permit fee is $30. CVC38087.5 Off-Highway Motor Vehicle; Non-Resident Permits

Non-resident Permit Vendor List (PDF)
OHV Permit Order Form (PDF)

Arizona visitors

Please refer to the Arizona OHV Decal Program web page for updated information.

Spark arrestors

Off-highway vehicles must be equipped with a properly installed United States Forest Service (USFS) approved spark arrestor and maintained in effective working order. (CVC 38366 (b)) Spark Arrester

Spark arrestor
Engraved description of spark arrestor model

Only motorcycles are allowed on the Motocross Track and the expert trails. No ATVs or ATCs are permitted on the Motocross Track or expert trails (black diamond).

Appropriate safety gear


We only require an OHV rider to wear a fastened DOT-approved helmet. We recommend that each rider equip themselves with a helmet, goggles, shoulder guards, elbow pads, chest protectors, gloves, knee pads, shin guards, and riding boots.

Off-highway vehicle use may be hazardous. Protective apparel, skill levels, vehicle condition, terrain, weather, common sense, and following the park rules all affect your safety.

Motorcycle safety gear chart

Trail markings

All trails are one-way. Proper direction of travel and trail difficulty will be indicated on carsonite posts and will appear as follows:

Motorcycle trail markings

Electric off-road bikes

Electric off-road bikes with foot pegs are allowed at Metcalf Motorcycle Park. Electric off-road bikes with pedals are not permitted at the park.

Electric off-road bikes are like dirt bikes and ATVs and must be registered with the DMV to ride at OHV Parks. Some brands of electric off-road bikes only come with a 15-digit serial number and may require a 17-digit VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) to be assigned by the California Highway Patrol. Contact the California Highway Patrol for further information or to make an appointment.

Moped plates are not vehicle registration fees for electric off-road bikes, however dual registration can be obtained. See the DMV website for specific registration requirements.

Learn about motorcycles, mopeds, and scooters on the California DMV site.

In compliance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ('ADA'), the Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its programs, services, or activities. The Department will make reasonable modifications to policies and programs to ensure that people with disability have an equal opportunity to enjoy our programs, services, facilities, and activities. If you need assistance with an ADA request, please contact our ADA Coordinator at [email protected].


photo of entrance at Metcalf Motorcycle County Park
Metcalf Motorcycle Park (main entrance)

300 Metcalf Road
San José, CA 95138
United States