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Docent and host opportunities

Host and docent volunteer roles

Visitor Hosts

These volunteers provide visitor assistance in the park Visitor Center or Museum, on a boat, or at a public program. They answer questions, provide park information, interpret the natural and cultural history of the park, and help with the care and upkeep of the visitor center/museum and/or facility. Great for those who like interacting with people, sharing their knowledge, learning, and being indoors!

Volunteer Host with skull and children

Candidates will be required to complete a background check (Live Scan) paid for by the Parks Department, an outside employment/incompatible activities form, and a one-hour online sexual harassment prevention training as part of their onboarding process. Visitor Host-specific training includes 1 hour of online and 1-4 hours of in person learning.

Apply to be a visitor host

Expected hours of service:

  • Minimum 1-2 shifts per month or 48 volunteer hours per year.

Visitor center host locations:

*currently recruiting for new visitor hosts

School Program Docents

Interested in assisting with field trip stations at our interpretive sites? Learn how to join this dedicated group of volunteers!

Dan docent

Candidates will be required to complete a background check (Live Scan) paid for by the Parks Department, an outside employment/incompatible activities form, and a one-hour online sexual harassment prevention training as part of their onboarding process. Docent-specific training includes approximately 4 hours of online and 4 hours of on-site learning.

apply to be a school program docent

Expected hours of service

  • Minimum 2-4 shifts per month (typically 3-4 hours each shift) during the months school is in session or 48 volunteer hours per year.

Park locations needing docents:

*currently recruiting for new docents